What is your phone number and operating hours?

You can reach us via phone at 770-422-3347. Our business hours are Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm.

What about privacy and security?

No information we collect for order processing or from inquiries is shared with any other company or website. Your information is only used to contact you when necessary. Credit Card information is only used to bill you for products and services ordered. 
Our secure shopping cart uses the latest secure server technology. Your order is submitted and retrieved with a secure connection to our server and remains secure at all times. View our Privacy Policy for more information.

Is there an extra charge for bleeds?

No. Unlike many other companies, all our prices include full bleeds free of charge.

How well will my project match what I see on my monitor?

Most people are surprised at how well their piece matches what they see. But because of wide differences in monitor calibration and the different technologies used, some printed colors may not exactly match the colors on your specific monitor.